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Moravian Mysteries

202224říjCelý den202320břeMoravian Mysteries

Detaily výstavy

Experience history hands-on! A bonnet woven from human hair! A 150-year-old biscuit preserved in a canning jar! Magic tricks used by Gus Reich, the Civil War magician and traveling showman! A stone taken from the liver of a deer that was thought to cure rabies! These are just some of the curious things in the Old Salem collection that are almost never on exhibit! This is your chance to see these things face to face with curator, Johanna Brown, Curator of Moravian Decorative Arts! You might even be able to identify some objects that remain a mystery to us!


24. říjen 2022 (pondělí) - 20. březen 2023 (pondělí) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)

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