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Rubens a Genova

202206říjCelý den202322ledRubens a Genova

Detaily výstavy

Palazzo Ducale hosts, from 6 October 2022 to 22 January 2023, an extraordinary exhibition to tell the greatness of Peter Paul Rubens and his relationship with the city.
The exhibition is produced by the Municipality of Genoa with Palazzo Ducale, Foundation for Culture and Electa, and was born on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the publication in Antwerp of the famous volume by Pietro Paolo Rubens, Palazzi di Genova (1622).
The curatorship is by Nils Büttner, lecturer at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart and Chairman of the Centrum Rubenianum in Antwerp, and Anna Orlando, independent scholar from Genoa, co-curator of the exhibition The Age of Rubens held at the Doge’s Palace in 2004.



6. říjen 2022 (čtvrtek) - 22. leden 2023 (neděle) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)


Palazzo Ducale, Genova

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 9, 16123 Genova, Italy

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