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Moroni (1521-1580). A portrait of his time

202306proCelý den202401dubMoroni (1521-1580). A portrait of his time

Detaily výstavy

Moroni (1521-1580) Il ritratto del suo tempo (Moroni (1521-1580) A portrait of his time) the exhibition, intends to celebrate the artist from Bergamo, one of the greatest interpreters of Lombard Renaissance painting. Having also painted significant devotional works, also on display in the exhibition, Moroni is, however, best known for his innovative work as a portrait artist. Many of the artist’s portraits on display here are labelled ‚portraits in action‘, modern portrayals of people who, through a gesture or a glance, establish a connection with the spectator, bridging the emotional distance and static nature of official portraiture.



6. prosinec 2023 (středa) - 1. duben 2024 (pondělí) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)

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