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Baselitz: Nackte Meister

202307břeCelý den25čerBaselitz: Nackte Meister

Detaily výstavy

Kunsthistorisches Museum invited Georg Baselitz (b.1938) to take part in an exhibition project that has the artist enter into a visual dialogue with the Old Masters. He selected the works himself – seventy-five of his own creations and forty from the Picture Gallery of the Kunsthistorisches Museum –, concentrating entirely on the nude, the naked figure. The exhibition casts a light on this elementary human condition, which has always been a central topic of European art.


7. březen 2023 (úterý) - 25. červen 2023 (neděle) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)


Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien, Rakousko

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