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Augusto Giacometti: Freedom | Commission

202427led(led 27)9:5720kvě(kvě 20)9:57Augusto Giacometti: Freedom | Commission

Detaily výstavy

The comprehensive presentation focuses our attention on a multi-faceted artistic personality whose oeuvre counts among the highest expressions of art in the first half of the 20th century. Co-curated with the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA), the exhibition travels along the axes of “Freedom” and “Commission” to explore the relationship between free creation and commissioned art and reveals the field of tension within which Augusto Giacometti (1877-1947) spent his productive life as an artist and cultural policy maker.


27. leden 2024 (sobota) 9:57am - 20. květen 2024 (pondělí) 9:57am(GMT-11:00)

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