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Brueghel: The Family Reunion

202330zářCelý den202407ledBrueghel: The Family Reunion

Detaily výstavy

From 30 September 2023 to 7 January 2024, Het Noordbrabants Museum in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands) is bringing together around eighty works by five generations of Brueghels, in the exhibition Brueghel: The Family Reunion. Enterprising, innovative and world-famous, the Brueghel family played a pivotal role on the European art scene from around 1550 to 1700. Five generations of Brueghels produced paintings that are admired for their humorous and entertaining compositions, universal messages, and exceptional quality.


30. září 2023 (sobota) - 7. leden 2024 (neděle) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)

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