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Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s–1980s

202311lisCelý den202410břeMultiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s–1980s

Detaily výstavy

Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s–1980s offers a sweeping survey of experimental art made in six Central Eastern European nations during the 1960s to 1980s. Charting a generation of artists invested in experimentation, the Walker-organized exhibition features artworks rarely seen in the United States. Despite their geographical proximity, artists working during this time encountered different conditions for daily life and art-making, confronting varying degrees of control and pressure exerted by state authorities. Embracing conceptual or formal innovation and a spirit of adventurousness, Multiple Realities sheds light on ways that artists refused, circumvented, eluded, and subverted official systems, in the process creating works often riddled with wit, humor, or irony.



11. listopad 2023 (sobota) - 10. březen 2024 (neděle) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)

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