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Holbeinand the Renaissance in the North

202302lis(lis 2)16:09202418úno(úno 18)16:09Holbeinand the Renaissance in the North

Detaily výstavy

It was a turning point in the history of art: Renaissance painting. What had begun in Italy developed into something completely new in Northern Europe in the works of the painters Hans Holbein the Elder (ca. 1464–1524) and Hans Burgkmair (1473–1531), pioneers of this singular art. Its centre was the free imperial and mercantile city of Augsburg, which became the capital of a German—but also an international—Renaissance within just a few decades. None other than Hans Holbein the Younger (1497–1543), one of the German Renaissance’s greatest painters, would ultimately make this art known throughout Europe.



2. listopad 2023 (čtvrtek) 4:09pm - 18. únor 2024 (neděle) 4:09pm(GMT+00:00)

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