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Ingenious women. Women Artists and their Companions

202314říjCelý den202428ledIngenious women. Women Artists and their Companions

Detaily výstavy

With the exhibition Ingenious Women. Women Artists and their Companions, the Bucerius Kunst Forum traces the careers of outstanding women artists from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. For the first time, the family context in which the women artists pursued their careers is addressed and made visible through juxtaposition with works by their fathers, brothers, husbands and fellow painters. Today often forgotten, female artists of their time were able to achieve extraordinary success in a wide variety of family constellations: They became court painters, teachers, entrepreneurs, and even publishers and were awarded the highest honours.



14. říjen 2023 (sobota) - 28. leden 2024 (neděle) (Celý den)(GMT-11:00)

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